Rooted in Spirit.
At Home on the Earth.
Committed to You.
Growing up on a ranch in Montana, you could find me wandering among the wildflowers and staring at the night sky in wonder. From an early age, I was aware of the sacred energies that imbued my surroundings. I knew that what we were seeing with our waking eyes was not all that is. I would have “conversations with God” and experience voices from across the veil. As with so many others, my adolescence and early adulthood struggled for meaning and saw those shining childhood experiences dismissed by those dear to me.
I had to truly lose myself to find my way back Home to my True Nature. Through many years of profound mystical experiences, but feeling lost in an underworld journey of the archetypal “dark night of the soul”, I had what would be considered a moment of deep remembering – Spirit shaking me to my core to wake me up. Since then, I’ve honed my skills and added tools to my tradecraft through devotion to Spirit, solitude, meditation, trainings, and study at the feet of my chosen teachers.
Today, I help others tune into their own knowing and integrate the universal guidance they receive when it shows up as misaligned patterns or unbalanced living. My approach uses my innate access to the spiritual realms, working with my attunement to the earth, and valuable tools I’ve honed through my years of study and through the transformative experiences that taught me how to truly know myself.